Fire-Maple X2 Star Cooking System

The X2 Star outdoor cooking system is suitable for extreme exploration. It is equal to a large volume cup that can hold a standard 230g gas cartridge and cartridge stand and is an efficient gas stove equipped with a piezo-electric lighting system for your convenience.
The X2 Star comes with a heat exchange on the bottom of the pot so it can enhance the heat efficiently. It also comes with a heat protection cover to prevent the loss of heat.
The fixed lock handle is easy to hold.
Suitable for hiking, camp cooking and other extreme outdoor activities

NZ$ 149.99
NZ$ 50.00 (a 33% discount)
NZ$ 99.99

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Wild Outdoorsman - Fishing and Firearms

03 755 8947

28 Tancred Street, , Hokitika

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