Flat Lid PET to fit 18oz Sugar Cane Bowl - Green Choice

PET Flat Lid to fit 18oz Sugar Cane Bowl.

(mm unless shown different)
12H X 155DIA

Carton 600

This lid fits Sugar Cane Bowl 18oz (UP 1500/123) - see link below

NZ$ 92.68 excluding GST
NZ$ 106.58 including GST
NZ$ 6.00
UP 900/163

Note: Checkout will occur on the merchants website, and will open in a new browser tab.

Insinc Products Ltd

0508 467 462

29 Albatross Rd, Red Beach, Auckland 0945


This business has been trading for 14+ years on Website Worlds eCommerce platform!

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14/386 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021