Red number '9' under the feet of an endangered Kokako in a tree fern. According to the Department of Conservation (DOC), "The kōkako belongs to the endemic New Zealand wattlebirds, an ancient family of birds which includes the North and South Island saddleback and the extinct huia. In the early 1900s the kōkako was common in forests throughout New Zealand. South Island kōkako are now assumed to be extinct. However it's remotely possible they may survive in low numbers in remote parts of the South Island and Stewart Island. Currently there are no confirmed reports of surviving South Island kōkako. For the North Island kōkako, there has been a significant decline over the last 20 years. Management is reversing that trend in many areas to the point that the kokako has been reclassified from Threatened to At Risk: Recovering." Our ceramic house number tiles were designed here in New Zealand by Monique Endt, an accomplished artist from Auckland.
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976A Maungatautari Rd, Maungatautari, Cambridge 3494
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